Classes in English:

  • October 19 @ 1 pm
  • November 16 @ 1 pm

Classes in Spanish:

  • 19 de octubre a las 2:15
  • 16 de noviembre a las 2:15

WHERE: Online

AUDIENCE: Open to all pregnant people in Skagit County

COST: Free

You don’t have to be a “breastfeeding expert” to become a new parent, so we’ll help offer some information to get feeding off to a good start.
Learn about:

  • common concerns in the early days and how to overcome them
  • breastfeeding positions and tips for best latch
  • colostrum and how we make milk
  • hunger signals and other baby behaviors
  • how WIC staff can help

Breastfeeding is new to you and your baby and we are here for you to help you meet your breastfeeding goals.


Contact Sydney Costello