Lupe Plascencia

WIC Certifier/Peer Counselor

[iee_modal_dialog title=”Lupe Plascencia – WIC Certifier – Peer Counselor” size=”large” modal_width=”400px” header_title_alignment=”left” show_footer=”yes” button_title=”Close” button_color=”default” footer_button_stretch=”default” entry_animation=”fadeIn” exit_animation=”fadeOut” element_typography=”custom” title_font_size=”24″ content_font_size=”18″ modal_trigger=”none” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” name=”Lupe-P” header_background=”var(–awb-color6)” button_shortcode=”TWVldCBBbGljaWE=” title_color=”var(–awb-custom18)”]Pronouns: She/Her

With the District since: January 2022

Pillars I work with: Thriving Children & Families

5 words that describe me:

  • Welcoming
  • Compassionate
  • Empathetic
  • Diligent
  • Giving

What I love about my job: As a former WIC client myself, I love helping new young families and working with the community. My heart is in this work!

Contact Me: | (360) 854-0435[/iee_modal_dialog]