American Red Cross Certified
Babysitter’s Training Class

WHEN: Saturday, May 7 from 9am – 4pm (including lunch & breaks)
WHERE: United General District 304, located at 2031A Hospital Drive, Sedro-Woolley
AUDIENCE: This program is designed for, but not limited to, youth ages 11-15.
COST: $80 (a discounted price of $60 is available for households receiving benefits such as Basic Food, WIC, Apple Health).
CONTACT: Kristy Southard
Trainer: Stephanie Morgareidge
Stephanie is a certified
American Red Cross trainer working with United General District 304. She is also a mom and a Girl Scout troop leader!
This engaging American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training course will provide youth who are planning to babysit with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadership skills; learn how to develop a babysitting business, keep themselves and others safe and help children behave; and learn about basic child care and basic first aid.

Participants will receive a Babysitting Red Cross Certificate of Completion.
Note: Masks are required regardless of vaccination status.
With lecture and class activities, these courses are engaging, informative and fun! This in-person class takes place over 7 hours (including lunch and breaks), and covers 6 lessons:
LESSON 1: You’re the Boss: A Guide to Leadership
LESSON 2: The Business of Babysitting
LESSON 3: Safe and Sound on the Job
LESSON 4: Understanding Kids from 0 to 10
LESSON 5: From Feeding to Bedtime: Caring for Kids
LESSON 6: It’s an Emergency…Now What?
Earn your Girl Scout Cadette Babysitter Badge!

This course meets the requirements for earning the Girl Scout Babysitter badge. Complete the course as an individual, or arrange a group training for your entire Scout troop!