
Taking in new information and learning different skills keeps people healthy over their lifetime. We continuously identify and offer new programs, trainings, and classes to meet the needs of our community—most at no or low cost to participants. We believe that an informed and empowered community is a healthier community!

Mental Health
Promotion Classes

Professional Education
Classes & Events

Health & Safety

Family Programs


Strengthening Families Program

for parents/caregivers and their 10-14 year old(s)

WHEN: Tuesdays AND Thursdays, April 15 – June 5 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Tuesdays (Separate sessions for parents and teens)

Thursdays (Family Sessions)

WHERE: Online

AUDIENCE: Parents/Caregivers and their 10-14 year old(s). All families are welcome!

COST: Free

All families have strengths! Over seven weeks the evidence-based Strengthening Families Program 10-14 helps bring them out by:

  • Improving communication
  • Encouraging healthy habits for youth
  • Providing tools for parenting teens
  • Making memories & having fun together

Over the course of two evenings each week, participants will meet for virtually for one hour with certified program facilitators about that week’s topic.

Click Here for more information!


Contact: Erin Williams


Strengthening Families Program

for parents/caregivers and their 10-14 year old(s)

October 2025 Interest Form 

WHEN: Our winter program is full but we are making a waitlist for families that are interested in attending our next program in October 2025. Please conplete the interest form and you’ll be the first to know when the October session is scheduled!

WHERE: Concrete Elementary Library | 7838 S. Superior Ave, Concrete

All families have strengths! Over seven weeks the evidence-based Strengthening Families Program 10-14 helps bring them out by:

  • Improving communication
  • Encouraging healthy habits for youth
  • Providing tools for parenting teens
  • Making memories & having fun together

After a shared meal, parents and youth meet separately for one hour with certified program facilitators about that week’s topic. Then families meet together for an hour to practice what they learned and take part in fun activities! Click here for more information!


Contact: Stephanie Morgareidge


Incredible Years Preschool Parenting Series

for parents/caregivers and their 3-6 year old(s)

WHEN: Thursdays 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, starting February 27 through May 29.

WHERE: In-person │Heartwood House │ 2136 Highway 20, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284

AUDIENCE: Parents and caregivers of children ages 3-6 years old

COST: Free

**Registration is closed**

Free childcare and light refreshments available at each session!

The Incredible Years Preschool Parenting Program strengthens positive parent-child interactions and attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fostering parents’ ability to promote children’s social, emotional, and language development.

Parents also learn how to build school readiness skills and are encouraged to partner with teachers and daycare professionals so they can promote children’s emotional regulation and social skills.

For more information on Incredible Years®, visit IncredibleYears.com


Contact: Erin Williams

Play & Grow Drop-In Group

WHEN: Tuesdays

Spanish Group 9:30 am

English Group 11:00 am 

WHERE: Heartwood House
2136 Highway 20, Sedro-Woolley

AUDIENCE: Parents / Caregivers and their babies


No registration required

Baby scale available to weigh your baby
Unicorn behind rainbow


Play and Grow is designed for parents/caregivers and their
babies. This one-hour drop-in group will include songs, playtime with baby and discussions on development, feeding, sleep, and other related topics.

Come connect with other parents and share the joys and challenges of parenting.

Facilitated by Help Me Grow Nurses and Perinatal Support-WA Resiliency Specialist.



Contact: Liz Cooksey

WIC Breastfeeding Class

Classes in English:

  • Thursday, March 20th @ 1pm
  • Thursday, April 17th @ 1pm

Classes in Spanish:

  • Jueves, Marzo 20 @ 4pm
  • Jueves, Abril 17 @ 4pm

WHERE: Online

AUDIENCE: Open to all pregnant people in Skagit County

COST: Free

You don’t have to be a “breastfeeding expert” to become a new parent, so we’ll help offer some information to get feeding off to a good start.
Learn about:

  • common concerns in the early days and how to overcome them
  • breastfeeding positions and tips for best latch
  • colostrum and how we make milk
  • hunger signals and other baby behaviors
  • how WIC staff can help

Breastfeeding is new to you and your baby and we are here for you to help you meet your breastfeeding goals.


Contact United General WIC

Call: 360-854-0435
Email: WIC@UnitedGeneral.org

Bringing Baby Home

A Parenting and Relationship Program

This is a four-session workshop designed for both expecting and new parents.

Designed for both expecting and new parents, the Bringing Baby Home Program will give you skills and information to recognize and cope successfully with the normal stressors of becoming a family.

This program teaches couples how to:
• Increase friendship in their relationship
• Deal effectively with conflict
• Involve both partners in infant care and parenting
• Improve the quality of parent-child interaction
• Recognize the emotional needs of their child and each other

Learn more about Bringing Baby Home by visiting their website

Please complete this interest form for upcoming programs

Mental Health Promotion Classes

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention


  • Saturday, March 15th | 10am – 11:30 am
  • Thursday, April 24th | 2:30 pm – 4 pm

AUDIENCE: Anyone age 16+

COST: Free

Three steps anyone can take to save a life from suicide.

In Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), participants develop the skills to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Similar to CPR, QPR is an evidence-based suicide prevention program that provides lifesaving knowledge and steps to help someone in crisis. In QPR you learn:

  • Common myths and facts about suicide
  • Warning signs for suicide
  • How to ask someone directly if they are thinking about suicide
  • What you can do to support someone and get them the help they need


Contact Fyn Rose
Email: Fyn.Rose@UnitedGeneral.org

Phone: 360-854-7150

Mental Health First Aid


  • Thursday March 27th, 2025│9am-4:30pm │VIRTUAL

AUDIENCE: Community members 18+ in Skagit County

COST: $35*

In addition to the live class listed above, each attendee must complete 2 hours of online independent study prior to the class.

Mental Health First Aid teaches adults how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. This training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

A certificate is provided upon completion. Please let the instructor know if there are any additional questions regarding certification and/or credits.

Click Here for more information!

Refund Policy:
Payment for Mental Health First Aid classes is non-refundable. If you cannot attend the in-person class on your scheduled date, please contact us as soon as possible. You may be able to reschedule to a future class or transfer your spot to another person.


Contact: Fyn Rose

Professional Education Classes & Events

Facilitator Training 

Strengthening Families Program

for parents/caregivers and their 10-14 year old(s)

WHEN: May 13-16 | 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

English certification May 13-15, 2025 (all three days required for full certification).

If you want to be certified in Spanish also you must also attend the May 16 class for Spanish Certification.


  • May 13 | TBD
  • May 14-16 | Heartwood House | 2136 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, WA

AUDIENCE: Professionals in Skagit or Whatcom County who are interested in delivery of the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14

COST: Free (lunch included)

Note: This training will be conducted in English for the first three days and (13-15). May 16 will be for certification for Spanish speaking facilitators focusing on the cultural adaptations for Spanish speaking families.

Become certified to facilitate the program proven to build positive parenting skills and protect against youth substance use!

This training will be in-person and is for new SFP 10-14 facilitators who will be working in a team of three to deliver the evidence-based program to families in their local communities.

This facilitator training includes:
-Introduction to SFP 10-14
-Review and practice of the 7-week program in a team setting
-Overview of the research and current updates
-Discussion- and experiential-based engagement with the curriculum and participants
-Implementation logistics, technology, recruitment, and retention
-Technical support for next steps


Contact: Erin Williams

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based trainings designed to teach skills needed to reach out and provide initial support to adults who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and connect them to the appropriate care. These courses are appropriate for anyone over the age of 18.

This training is available in an in-person 8 hour course, or a virtual/blended 4.5-5.5 hour course. Please complete the MHFA interest form and we will contact you to make arrangements and answer any questions you have

Questions? Contact Stephanie Stephanie.Morgareidge@UnitedGeneral.org

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based course that teaches anyone age 18+ the skills needed to reach out and provide initial support to a youth who may be developing a mental health or substance use challenge and connect them to the appropriate care.

The following training formats are offered:

  • Hybrid over Zoom (2 hours self-directed online learning and 6.5 hours instruction over Zoom)
  • Hybrid in-person (2 hours self-directed online learning and 6.5 hours instruction in person)

Please provide your information below so United General District 304 staff can contact you and get started planning a training that meets your organization’s needs.

Woman comforting teenage girl

Questions? Contact Erin at Erin.Williams@UnitedGeneral.org

Customized QPR suicide prevention training for your organization

Suicide is everybody’s business. Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) teaches any adult (16+) how to support someone in crisis and get them to the help they need.  This free training talks about suicide myths and facts, warning signs for suicide, and how you can apply hope to save a life.

We can provide training virtually or in-person for your organization, with customized scenarios and Q & A sessions. Please complete our QPR Interest form and we will contact you to make arrangements and answer any questions you may have.

Questions? Contact Stephanie at Stephanie.Morgareige@UnitedGeneral.org

CPR, AED & First Aid Training
for your organization

Does your organization need to renew its CPR, AED & First Aid training?

We can provide training at your facilities or at our training center, with flexible times to work around your schedule! Please complete the interest form to get started.


Contact Stephanie Morgareidge

Phone: 360-854-7159
Email: Stephanie.Morgareidge@UnitedGeneral.org

Health & Safety Classes

Overdose Response Class


  • March 13 | 1-2 pm
  • March 24 | 10-11 am
  • April 2 | 3-4 pm
  • April 29 | 12-1 pm

WHERE: Online

AUDIENCE: Anyone in Skagit County age 16+


Anyone who uses opioids, including prescriptions, can be at risk for an overdose. Learn the steps for recognizing and responding to an overdose, including how to deliver Narcan® (aka naloxone) the medication that reverses an opioid overdose. Our online class provides you with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively in an overdose crisis and save a life. Information about how to get naloxone at no cost will also be provided. This 45-minute training covers:

  • Opioids 101 – including fentanyl
  • Risk factors for overdose
  • Recognizing an opioid overdose
  • Good Samaritan Law
  • Steps for responding to an overdose
  • How to give Narcan
  • Self-care for responders

Although no training is required to carry or give naloxone, our online class provides you with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively in an overdose crisis and save a life.


Contact Erin Williams
Email: Erin.Williams@UnitedGeneral.org

This training is provided at no cost thanks to funding from Northwest HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area)

Adult & Pediatric CPR, AED, and First Aid Classes

WHEN: Thursday, April 17 | 10 am -3 pm | Traditional in-person class

WHERE: Upper Skagit Library | 45952 Main Street, Concrete , WA 98237

AUDIENCE: Community members age 12+ interested in learning, or updating their CPR, AED & First Aid training.

COST: Traditional full-length class (no online learning): $100 (a discounted price of $80 is available for households receiving benefits such as Basic Food, WIC, Apple Health).

Certification valid for two years will be emailed after successful completion of the class.

Save Lives with CPR

With a half-million cardiac arrests each year, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) can help save a life if a person’s breathing or heart stops. It’s not just for healthcare workers and emergency responders. In fact, CPR can double or triple the chance of survival when bystanders take action. The American Red Cross helps train you safely, effectively and confidently, so you’re prepared for the minutes that matter the most.

– American Red Cross

United General District 304 offers Adult & Infant CPR, AED, and First Aid classes to individuals, groups, and organizations in our community. Classes are led by our own American Red Cross-certified trainers.

Each class provides participants with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing, and other first-aid emergencies. After successfully completing a class, a certificate that satisfies most OSHA-mandated job requirements, workplace, and other regulatory requirements will be issued (certification lasts for two years).


Contact Stephanie Morgareidge
Email: Stephanie.Morgareidge@UnitedGeneral.org

Refund Policy:
Payment for CPR classes is non-refundable. If you cannot attend the in-person class on your scheduled date, please contact Stephanie at Stephanie.Morgareidge@UnitedGeneral.org as soon as possible. You may be able to reschedule to a future class or transfer your spot to another person. For blended learning classes, a transfer is possible only if you have NOT yet logged into the Red Cross online training platform. The required online portion of the class must be completed before the in-person class by the same person.