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Is your only strategy to address underage alcohol use this campaign (Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE)?

No! This campaign is just one part of a much larger strategy based on the Strategic Prevention Framework. Our coalition has developed a logic model that addresses a variety of risk and protective factors that may impact youth alcohol use. We also promote and sponsor pro-social activities and environmental strategies.  

Is your only strategy to address underage alcohol use this campaign (Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE)?2021-04-30T20:38:55+00:00

Does Sedro-Woolley RISE only focus on alcohol use?

Underage alcohol use is the number one substance of concern for Sedro-Woolley RISE because, although most high schoolers don’t use alcohol, it is still the most frequently used substance. However, RISE is also implementing strategies to address marijuana use, nicotine, and opioids. We also focus on primary prevention strategies such as parenting classes, and social-emotional learning. 

Does Sedro-Woolley RISE only focus on alcohol use?2021-04-30T20:40:33+00:00

Doesn’t everybody lie on surveys?

Although it’s true that, especially with behaviors that might be viewed as socially undesirable, misreporting can happen, however, this misreporting happens much less frequently when the survey is anonymous and can be conducted independently (as our survey is). Further, extensive survey research has shown that most people are actually quite truthful on surveys! By comparing this survey to other similar surveys and getting similar results (called triangulation), we also have more

Doesn’t everybody lie on surveys?2021-04-30T20:35:55+00:00

Can we trust the numbers in the Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE survey?

Every study has limitations – and ours is no exception!  However, our numbers are very consistent with what we see reported by youth in the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey, trends in underage drinking, and a national study by the American Medical Association of parents of teens (10).  By looking at both these other studies and surveys, we feel confident that the numbers in our survey

Can we trust the numbers in the Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE survey?2021-05-02T00:03:12+00:00

Who was included in the Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE survey?

This survey was available online in English and in Spanish. The survey was promoted broadly on social media, school emails, and through flyers for over 5 months. Overall, 254 people took the survey. For the campaign, we excluded surveys that did not complete required questions (I.e., consent) and surveys where the participant did not identify as being a parent/guardian of high schooler in Sedro-Woolley. After all exclusions, 163 surveys remained for inclusion in the campaign. Of the included respondents, 95% identified as White, 7%

Who was included in the Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE survey?2021-04-30T20:32:03+00:00

What’s the science behind these messages?

This campaign has been developed using the evidence-based model The Science of the Positive and Positive Community Norms developed by Dr. Jeffery Linkenbach of The Montana Institute. This model has been used successfully throughout the United States to reduce underage drinking, prevent child abuse and neglect, and improve traffic safety. To learn more, visit:  

What’s the science behind these messages?2021-04-30T20:29:06+00:00

But if I don’t teach my teens to drink now, won’t they go crazy in college?

Although there are always exceptions, most kids who don’t drink in high school become only light drinkers in college (8). Typically, the kids who are the heaviest drinkers in college began drinking at younger ages (such as early teens). In fact, people who start drinking at age 15 or younger more likely to binge drink and are 6 times more likely to become addicted to alcohol

But if I don’t teach my teens to drink now, won’t they go crazy in college?2021-05-02T00:04:59+00:00

Isn’t it safer to teach my teen how to drink responsibly than tell them it’s not allowed and they do it behind my back?

The research is very clear – teens benefit from waiting as long as possible before they start drinking.  We also know that teens are less likely to drink when their parents/guardians regularly share their expectations that drinking is not allowed. A review of more than 20 studies found that when parents gave their teens permission to drink, they drank more frequently and

Isn’t it safer to teach my teen how to drink responsibly than tell them it’s not allowed and they do it behind my back?2021-05-02T00:05:59+00:00

What is the concern about underage drinking?

Alcohol affects teens differently than it does adults. Drinking alcohol as teens can have many negative impacts. Teen drinking can:  Impair brain development. In fact, the earlier a teen starts drinking, the greater the risk for negative consequences (1). Increase the risk of mental health problems such as depression (2) and anxiety disorders (3). Negatively impact school

What is the concern about underage drinking?2021-05-01T23:57:31+00:00

What is Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE campaign?

Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE is a campaign for parents/guardians of high schoolers in Sedro-Woolley that aims to spread the good news that MOST parents/guardians are setting their teens up for a healthy future and do not allow them to drink alcohol. By strategically sharing this good news, we expect to grow these positive norms - and as a result, reduce underage drinking. 

What is Sedro-Woolley Parents RISE campaign?2021-04-30T20:18:17+00:00
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