What COVID-19 measures are in place at the Fitness Center?

Your health is our first priority. We are adhering to COVID-19 safety practices, including the following measures: Workouts are by appointment only, so we do not exceed the maximum number of people in the gym at one time. Call us at (360) 854-0247 to make an appointment! Masks are required unless prevented by a medical

What COVID-19 measures are in place at the Fitness Center?2020-10-16T22:45:45+00:00

How can I find out if I’m eligible for WIC benefits?

WIC is for pregnant people, new and breastfeeding moms, and children under 5 years old. If one or more of these applies to you, check the income eligibility chart here, or give us a call us at (360) 854-0435.

How can I find out if I’m eligible for WIC benefits?2020-10-16T20:05:22+00:00

How do I apply for Basic Food?

We can help you apply for Basic Food over the phone! Just give us a call at (360) 856-2549.  If you prefer, you can complete this Basic Food application assistance appointment form to make an appointment for us to call you.

How do I apply for Basic Food?2023-05-24T17:25:41+00:00

What are the long-term benefits of a farm to school program?

If a Farm to School program has been present for a long period of time, there are significant long-term benefits associated for that school and that community. An established program has rapport among the school district, the teachers, and the students. It is fully integrated into the school day and an expected and anticipated part

What are the long-term benefits of a farm to school program?2020-10-16T18:03:38+00:00

What are tips for cooking with kids?

Cooking with kids is a complex yet highly rewarding process. The most essential tip we have is to establish clear systems with classes so that kids know exactly what to expect and what to do when it is time to cook. Safety procedures need to be a part of this system, especially when cooking with

What are tips for cooking with kids?2020-10-16T18:03:52+00:00

What ages/grade level participate in farm to school?

Any grade can participate in Farm to School! It depends on the school district, the nature of the program, and the relationship the program has with the school and the teachers. In Concrete, we have garden and cooking classes for grades K-8 throughout the school year, and also facilitate hands-on tasks with high school food

What ages/grade level participate in farm to school?2021-05-03T17:43:15+00:00

Where do donations go, and how are they used?

Donations to Farm to School are mainly used to help fund running our garden and cooking classes throughout the school year. This includes buying food, kitchen supplies and utensils, seeds and starts for the gardens, and tools for use in the gardens, among many other things. Donations also help fund summer programming and help pay

Where do donations go, and how are they used?2020-10-16T18:04:12+00:00

What volunteer opportunities are there?

There are multiple volunteer opportunities for Farm to School. You can volunteer to help take care of the school garden care and maintenance, which is especially helpful over weekends and during the summer, when students are not present. You can help out in garden or cooking classes during the school day as an extra adult

What volunteer opportunities are there?2020-10-16T18:04:20+00:00

Why is Farm to School important?

Farm to School is important for many reasons. It connects kids and communities to where their food comes from, and through growing and cooking their own food, healthier habits are formed. It allows space for experiential, hands-on education outside that is built into the school day. It also creates spaces for teamwork, exploration, collaboration, and

Why is Farm to School important?2020-10-16T18:04:30+00:00
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